About Us

My name is Dr M.Mukanga. I am a business manager, consultant, researcher and educator but more importantly I share your interest and passion about everything and anything to do with Africa in the 21st century.  I believe that together we can help transform our world and Africa through sharing ideas and suggestions.


Why you should get involved
Anybody is welcome to get involved and make comments.  You can also get involved as a guest blogger. You are the most valuable asset this world can offer and your ideas and suggestion can make a difference to your community and Africa.  

1.      Encourage debate on new Africa through sharing ideas and opinions
2.      Contribute to African reform and policy through seminars, research and publications.
3.      Act as the repository of information and knowledge
4.      Encourage professional networking and active community participation.

1.      Integrity, accountability, innovation, environmental and social responsibility.

Blog administration
This blog is there for people to share their ideas and views on anything enriching about Africa. However, for the purpose of administration and ownership, I am the guardian or appropriately the founder and administrator.  I have a wide variety of expertise and interests ranging from writing, engineering, technology, history, geography, economics, business development, politics, policy analysis, industrial psychology to computing science.  I read anything and everything positive and often try to network with like-minded people across all fields and I have had the privilege of working for a variety of organisations. I have written extensively for many publications, blogs and have provided expert advice wherever and whenever I am called upon.

DR M.Mukanga        