Wednesday 15 February 2012

Education in Africa

Africa is a priority for all and fundamental not only to Africa’s development but global growth and advancement.  Thus most governments throughout the world despite many other pressing concerns in principle keep education high on the agenda of their development plans.  The goal of this section is to generate debate on issues that will help focus on improving the quality of education on the Africa continent including the communities where we live. If you have expertise, the experience and the desire you are most welcome to share anything or any idea on policy, reform and rebuilding educational systems throughout the world. You can use this section to participate in the debate or if you have a specific idea you can use the ideas section. This is the platform for you and your community. Let us help promote literacy and education programs for all.  We shall cover all aspects from basic, secondary, technical, higher, distance including education on HIV/AIDS and any other training.

"Education is a fundamental human right"

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