Wednesday 15 February 2012


First and foremost let me welcome you and thank you for stopping by. This blog is about you and about your thoughts and opinions on anything and everything to do with your world and in particular Africa in the 21st century. Feel free to contribute on anything from politics, technology, business, investment to culture and on anything and everything you care discuss and share.  Do your ideas and opinions about Africa and your world matter? YES Without a doubt.  Not only your ideas but your abilities, talents, skills which all can make a difference right now and allow me to say you are a force for positive change and your opinions, ideas and abilities matter. Without opinions and ideas there would be no Arab spring, medical advancement, no cars, no trains, no planes, no computers, no internet and no development.  More importantly there would be no civilisation and no recorded human history.  It is sharing ideas and opinion that change the world and blogging in the 21st century is part of that.  Therefore, I am inviting you to help make a difference and contribute to this blog.  

This is your blog, your ideas and your opinions. I am simply the editor or the guardian of this blog and lets use our right to free speech.  Every idea is valuable and in fact some of the ideas that have changed the world that we live in today are those that were once considered too simple. Be bold and dare to believe to trust that sharing is the key to positive development and social change in the world today. The most resilient thing on the planet today is an idea and an idea only becomes a force for change when it is shared with others.   Let us showcase our ideas, concepts, opinions, plans and strategies and points of views.  This blog is about social, political, technology and development challenges our societies, communities and in particular Africa faces in the 21st century. 

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